Coaching from Abena Gray
Coaching from Abena Gray
We introduce to you Abena Gray, Founder of Goggle and Giggle Swimming School - Experienced Coach and NLP trained practitioner.
"Abena Gray is the Founder and Director of the high quality London based swim school, Goggle and Giggle founded in 2010. Abena’s successful and popular swim school has a reputation for excellent specialist training programmes aimed for beginners to triathletes offering lessons to babies, children and adults. Through Goggle and Giggles’ tailored approach, the swim school offers a wide range of services from home visits to specialist intensive courses and private lessons 1:1 to groups nationally and internationally. Abena’s clients have also included high profile individuals."
IF you are keen to do a similar academy in a different area - then talk to Abena.
Abena can assist if you need a - Business Coach, Fitness Coach, Sports Coach, Mindset Coach.
Get a FIFTEEN MINUTE taster session with this coach. It may be illuminating. It may help you decide whether a coach is for you. Try this person with no obligations. The guidance given during that fifteen minutes could be just what you need.
What element transforms an ordinary person into a world class confident leader - the answer is COACHING. In every arena—from sports to business—peak performers achieve superior results because they’ve gained top-notch advisers to help them maximize skills and identify blind spots, make best use of time, and make valuable connections.
Having such guidance (or in some cases - hand-holding) is especially important to accelerate performance and achievement. Coaching helps to advance goals and tackle complex management challenges in today’s increasingly fast-paced, chaotic environment.
Use this session to decide about ongoing coaching which can substantially improve your achievement. It is time for accelerated progress.
A coach will be allocated to you once the booking is made. Please complete the form sent to you first so that we can allocate according to your needs.