Global Educ8tions Ltd
Education & Training L4
Education & Training L4
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Level 4 Certificate in education and training (QCf)
Designed for learners who want a qualification that focuses on practical teaching, and offers a wide choice of optional units. Learners may already be teaching and wish to have their experience and practice accredited, or not presently teaching but capable of meeting the minimum teaching practice requirement of 30 hours.
Min Guided Learning Hours: 140
Global Educ8tions is committed to involving learners in its strategic decision-making and operational management processes. As a Training Provider we firmly believe that embracing learner views and offering an opportunity for learners to have direct involvement in assessing and shaping their own learning experience will have a significant and effective impact on developing.
Global Educ8tions quality improvement processes increase student success.
Global Educ8tions also believes that learners have key roles to play in self-evaluation, self-improvement and policy-making procedures
I F - Y O U - W A N T - T O - D O - S O M E T H I N G - Y O U - F I N D - A - W A Y.
I F - Y O U - D O N ' T - Y O U - F I N D - E X C U S E S.
The Global Educ8tion team are able to support anyone who wants to move on with their learning and provide them with career advice.
You can phone and speak to a member for any advice. Tel. 0800 009 6994