Global Educ8tions Ltd

Business Management L4

Business Management L4

Regular price £1,499.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £1,499.00 GBP
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This level four course is designed to give learners the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and skills related to a range of management areas including: businesses types and functions, developing marketing plans, human resource management, the role of a leader and the functions of a manager, management accounting, project management principles, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Min Guided Learning Hours: 480

Global Educ8tions is committed to involving learners in its strategic decision-making and operational management processes. As a Training Provider we firmly believe that embracing learner views and offering an opportunity for learners to have direct involvement in assessing and shaping their own learning experience will have a significant and effective impact on developing.

Global Educ8tions quality improvement processes increase student success.
Global Educ8tions also believes that learners have key roles to play in self-evaluation, self-improvement and policy-making procedures

I F - Y O U - W A N T - T O - D O - S O M E T H I N G - Y O U - F I N D - A - W A Y.
I F - Y O U - D O N ' T - Y O U - F I N D - E X C U S E S.

The Global Educ8tion team are able to support anyone who wants to move on with their learning and provide them with career advice.

You can phone and speak to a member for any advice. Tel. 0800 009 6994

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